
Cloud Myths

Cloud Myths

Cloud computing

Cloud computing The very definition of cloud computing remains controversial. Consulting firm Accenture has crafted a useful, concise definition: the dynamic provisioning of IT capabilities (hardware, software, or services) from...


Cloud Myths

Cloud Myths

Cloud computing

Cloud computing The very definition of cloud computing remains controversial. Consulting firm Accenture has crafted a useful, concise definition: the dynamic provisioning of IT capabilities (hardware, software, or services) from...


Testing with OpenSSL

Testing with OpenSSL

RESTful API Design: nouns are good, verbs are bad

A good [article][1] on API nouns and verbs. [1]:

Multiple Hop SSH using Putty

Multiple Hop SSH using Putty

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed

[Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed][1] [1]:

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

My Experiences With Linux: Centos7 Upgrading Kernel to 3.19

My Experiences With Linux: Centos7 Upgrading Kernel to 3.19

Restrict SFTP to Home Folder

Restrict SFTP to Home Folder I had created a chrooted sftp account on centos 6 , but faced an issue that the user’s were not able put/delete as the sftp requires...

Installing NDJBDNS on CentOS 6.4

[Installing NDJBDNS on CentOS 6.4][1] [1]:

Solution: bash: /usr/local/bin/rsync: Argument list too long

Solution: bash: /usr/local/bin/rsync: Argument list too long

How to work on IPMI and IPMITOOL

[How to work on IPMI and IPMITOOL – All Help and Support][1] [1]:

Fun with PXE boot Centos 6.3 and SuperMicro

Recently at work we decided to upgrade our Hadoop capacity by adding new machines, the new machines bought were Supermicro X9DRL-7F. I thought it would be pretty simple task to install...

HowTo Edit Initrd.img in RHEL/CentOS 6

[HowTo Edit Initrd.img in RHEL/CentOS 6.x Sohail Riaz, Linux and Open Source Blog](

Installing and Configuring the DNS slave Server.

Installing and Configuring the DNS slave Server.

DNS replication slow

DNS replication slow Recently at work I added two new DNS slave servers. We are using BIND 9 as a DNS server. To my surprise I noticed that the the slave...

YUM rollback in Centos 5 and 6

[YUM rollback in Centos 5 and 6][1] [1]:”>

Wget JDK

Download Oracle Java JRE &JDK using a script

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

mysql auto increment Reset

Mysql auto increment reset

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

Difference between Socket and Port

Port Imagine you computer as a House with many doors. The address of your house would be equal to the the IP address of a computer. Each door would be...


AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS

AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS A good article on [AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS][1] [1]:

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Overlay network performance testing

Overlay network performance testing

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network

[Battlefield: Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network Arthur Chunqi Li’s Blog](

Latency, Packet loss Troubleshooting

[Latency, Packet loss Troubleshooting][1] [1]:

Fun with PXE boot Centos 6.3 and SuperMicro

Recently at work we decided to upgrade our Hadoop capacity by adding new machines, the new machines bought were Supermicro X9DRL-7F. I thought it would be pretty simple task to install...

Difference between Socket and Port

Port Imagine you computer as a House with many doors. The address of your house would be equal to the the IP address of a computer. Each door would be...


checking Ip address of amazon after reboot

checking Ip address of amazon after reboot

Scalr - Open source cloud management tool

Scalr Scalr is fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling environment utilizing multiple cloud platformslike Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Rackspace, Nimbula, Eucalyptus.


Summing column values using AWK

Summing column values using AWK


Summing column values using AWK

Summing column values using AWK


Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

checking Ip address of amazon after reboot

checking Ip address of amazon after reboot


Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS

AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS A good article on [AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS][1] [1]:

RESTful API Design: nouns are good, verbs are bad

A good [article][1] on API nouns and verbs. [1]:

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Overlay network performance testing

Overlay network performance testing

Terraform Remote State Server

Terraform Remote State Server Terraform Remote State Server

Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Multiple Hop SSH using Putty

Multiple Hop SSH using Putty

Writing a Terraform provider

Writing a Terraform provider

Cloud Logging and the Docker Firehose

[Cloud Logging and the Docker Firehose (in two, simple steps)][1] [1]:

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

A single AWS Elastic Load Balancer for several Kubernetes services using Kubernetes Ingress

A single AWS Elastic Load Balancer for several Kubernetes services using Kubernetes Ingress

Ansible inventory generated from Terraform

Ansible inventory generated from Terraform

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network

[Battlefield: Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network Arthur Chunqi Li’s Blog](

Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env

If you can’t safely test your changes in isolation away from prod, you don’t have infrastructure as code. Nice article from about Terraform, VPC, and why you want a...

Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed

[Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed][1] [1]:

Guide to automating a multi-tiered application securely on AWS with Docker and Terraform

A technical guide for building a closed private network on AWS and establish a secure way to access network resources, using a trusted VPN

The architecture of clustering Graphite

The architecture of clustering Graphite

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Service Discovery and Load balancing Internals in Docker 1.12

[Service Discovery and Load balancing Internals in Docker 1.12][1] [1]:

Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client

[Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client][1] [1]:

My Experiences With Linux: Centos7 Upgrading Kernel to 3.19

My Experiences With Linux: Centos7 Upgrading Kernel to 3.19

Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query performance

There are a lot of python driver available for MySQL and two stand out the most. The one, traditionally everybody’s choice, sort of industrial standard MySQLdb. [Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query...

Latency, Packet loss Troubleshooting

[Latency, Packet loss Troubleshooting][1] [1]:

Triggering Jenkins builds by URL

Triggering Jenkins builds by URL

Ping Your Ansible From Slack

[Ping Your Ansible From Slack][1] [1]:

Installing NDJBDNS on CentOS 6.4

[Installing NDJBDNS on CentOS 6.4][1] [1]:

Solution: bash: /usr/local/bin/rsync: Argument list too long

Solution: bash: /usr/local/bin/rsync: Argument list too long

YUM rollback in Centos 5 and 6

[YUM rollback in Centos 5 and 6][1] [1]:”>

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

Powerful Awk Built-in Variables

FUMSI Article: Twitter for business intelligence

FUMSI Article: Twitter for business intelligence Article from FUMSI on Twitter for business intelligence

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher


mysql auto increment Reset

Mysql auto increment reset


FUMSI Article: Twitter for business intelligence

FUMSI Article: Twitter for business intelligence Article from FUMSI on Twitter for business intelligence


Installing and Configuring the DNS slave Server.

Installing and Configuring the DNS slave Server.

DNS replication slow

DNS replication slow Recently at work I added two new DNS slave servers. We are using BIND 9 as a DNS server. To my surprise I noticed that the the slave...


Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Understanding the CPU Usage in Apache server status

I was spending time on graphing the Apache Server status values in graphite ( Cpu load and busy worker etc ) . While doing all this performance testing I was...


Restrict SFTP to Home Folder

Restrict SFTP to Home Folder I had created a chrooted sftp account on centos 6 , but faced an issue that the user’s were not able put/delete as the sftp requires...

HowTo Edit Initrd.img in RHEL/CentOS 6

[HowTo Edit Initrd.img in RHEL/CentOS 6.x Sohail Riaz, Linux and Open Source Blog](


Ping Your Ansible From Slack

[Ping Your Ansible From Slack][1] [1]:


Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Triggering Jenkins builds by URL

Triggering Jenkins builds by URL


Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query performance

There are a lot of python driver available for MySQL and two stand out the most. The one, traditionally everybody’s choice, sort of industrial standard MySQLdb. [Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query...


Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Compiling Apache mod_python module for Centos 7

Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client

[Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client][1] [1]:

Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query performance

There are a lot of python driver available for MySQL and two stand out the most. The one, traditionally everybody’s choice, sort of industrial standard MySQLdb. [Python MySQLdb vs mysql-connector query...


Cloud Logging and the Docker Firehose

[Cloud Logging and the Docker Firehose (in two, simple steps)][1] [1]:

Guide to automating a multi-tiered application securely on AWS with Docker and Terraform

A technical guide for building a closed private network on AWS and establish a secure way to access network resources, using a trusted VPN

Service Discovery and Load balancing Internals in Docker 1.12

[Service Discovery and Load balancing Internals in Docker 1.12][1] [1]:

Docker exec TERM environment variable not set

If you land up the error - TERM environment variable not set. A simple hack is to 1 export TERM=xterm```


Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client

[Snakebite: a pure Python HDFS client][1] [1]:


The architecture of clustering Graphite

The architecture of clustering Graphite


The architecture of clustering Graphite

The architecture of clustering Graphite


Guide to automating a multi-tiered application securely on AWS with Docker and Terraform

A technical guide for building a closed private network on AWS and establish a secure way to access network resources, using a trusted VPN


Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed

[Postfix + SES : SASL authentication failed][1] [1]:

Guide to automating a multi-tiered application securely on AWS with Docker and Terraform

A technical guide for building a closed private network on AWS and establish a secure way to access network resources, using a trusted VPN


Taint all resources from one module

Terraform: taint all resources from one module

Terraform Remote State Server

Terraform Remote State Server Terraform Remote State Server

Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Automating Terraform Projects with Jenkins

Ansible inventory generated from Terraform

Ansible inventory generated from Terraform

Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env

If you can’t safely test your changes in isolation away from prod, you don’t have infrastructure as code. Nice article from about Terraform, VPC, and why you want a...


Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env

If you can’t safely test your changes in isolation away from prod, you don’t have infrastructure as code. Nice article from about Terraform, VPC, and why you want a...


AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS

AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS A good article on [AutoScaling your Kubernetes cluster on AWS][1] [1]:

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Avoiding Hazards with Postgres on Kubernetes

Overlay network performance testing

Overlay network performance testing

A single AWS Elastic Load Balancer for several Kubernetes services using Kubernetes Ingress

A single AWS Elastic Load Balancer for several Kubernetes services using Kubernetes Ingress

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Configuring kubectl for multiple clusters

Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network

[Battlefield: Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network Arthur Chunqi Li’s Blog](


SOPS with Azure KeyVault secret and AKS AAD Pod Identity

SOPS with Azure KeyVault secret and AKS AAD Pod Identity

Deploying Virtual kubernetes Cluster

Deploying Virtual kubernetes Cluster

Nginx ReverseProxy Pod in kubernetes

Nginx ReverseProxy Pod in kubernetes

Signing images and creating SBOM using cosign

Signing images and creating SBOM using cosign

Signing images and creating SBOM using cosign in CI Pipeline

Signing images and creating SBOM using cosign - Part2

How to delete the dangling namespace in kubernetes

How to delete the dangling namespace in kubernetes

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall in kubernetes Nginx Ingress controller

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall in Kubernetes Nginx Ingress controller


Creating Kubernets Secret from TLS certificate

Kubernetes security

Kubernetes security

Writing a Terraform provider

Writing a Terraform provider

Kubernetes security

Kubernetes security

Testing with OpenSSL

Testing with OpenSSL


Vault ssh otp demo

Vault ssh otp demo


Keeping a Git Fork Upto date

1. Clone your fork: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ``` git clone --branch master --single-branch ``` ### 2. Add remote from original repository in your forked...