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Forgot root password? Change root password for Linux in runlevel 1.

Forgot root password? Change root password for Linux using runlevel 1.</p> If you are unable to remind your root password, then you have to boot your Linux machine and enter...

Find all pid of "httpd" where process state is "Ss" only and process is 1 day old

We can use etime format that comes with PS command .This option shows the elapsed time since the process was started, in the the form: [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss</p> Now grep the output...

Using ext3 filesystem how many subdirectory/files we can create in any directory in linux !

n one directory we can create maximum 32000 sub directory, and maximum file size will be 2^32 bytes (4294967296).

Just wondering if in case, inittab doed not have a default run level selected, what happen. which run level system will enter ?

Just wondering if in case,</p> inittab doed not have a default run level selected, what happen. which run level system will enter ? In Redhat and CentOS, Suppose, the runlevel...

Postfix Configuration

Postfix - the Sendmail Replacement Postfix is a mail tranfer agent (MTA) developed by Wietse Venema. It started out as an IBM project called VMailer. Postfix has become very popular...

how to update the time stamp of evrey file in current directory

for change timestamp of all files and set current timestamp to all files in  current directory you can use find command </p>  find . -exec touch {} \;

What will happen, if default init level set to 6 in linux?

if  init level set to 6 i.e default run level is 6 . your System keeps rebooting. To recover from this you need to switch to emergency mode while machine...

Downgrade php to PHP 5.2 from PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and higher

A handy script automates this task.</p></div>

Linux Inerview Questions

1) Difference between setuid and sticky bit in linux?</p> Set UID: When a Set UID bit is turned on for a program, your EUID (effective user ID) becomes the same...

Configuring DNS server in linux (RHEL)

Linux DNS and BIND Server Setting up a caching server for client local machines will reduce the load on the site's primary server. A caching only name server will find...

Arg list too long error

Most of the time listing on large directory or removing big chunk of files using rm command we face this error arg list too long error </p> Actually this error...

Rootsh terminal logger

Rootsh is a shell that logs everything a root user sees on his terminal. This is useful if you have more than one system administrator for a server and you...

Samba permissions-simplified

Permission precedence</p> Samba comes with different types of permissions for share. Try to remember few things about UNIX and Samba permissions.(a) Linux system permissions take precedence over Samba permissions. For...

How to check connections on apache port 80

How to check connections on apache port 80</p> netstat -an |grep :80 |wc –l How to check the last mount time : root@server [~]#  dumpe2fs  /dev/sdb1 | grep "Last mount...


The dmidecode command reads the system DMI table to display hardware and BIOS information of the system. This command will give you information on the current configuration of your system,...

Password Protecting LILO:

You can configure LILO to ask for a password before booting every operating system or kernel on the system by adding a password directive in the globally. To do this,...


All boot loaders work in a similar way to fulfill a common purpose. But LILO and GRUB do have a number of differences:</p> LILO has no interactive command interface, whereas...

Oldest file in the Directory

If you need to find the oldest file in the directory you can use a shortcut as </p> Localhost> ls -t |tail -120100228-235312-9267-1.pdf -t switch Sort by the timestamp shown...

History of commads

I was struggling the other day to find or keep track of what are the activities done by the each user on particular date.So I started a discussion here...</p>

difference between Redhat and Fedora

The Fedora Project has corporate sponsorship from Redhat Inc.  but officially and properly speaking the Fedora distribution itself (by the way, it's not Fedora Core anymore) is not a product...

Xen Virtual Machine -Quick-Start Guide

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